Advertise on PlanRV

Something for everybody

You can list your business for free with our stock listing or choose one of our premium listing types with pricing ranging from $330.00 per year to $660.00 per year.

GPS Integration

List your business on PlanRV and your listing will be published on all of the integrated GPS devices.

GPS Logos

Results ... Delivered

Track your results - not how often your listing is shown but how often somebody actually calls you!

Annual Pricing

Elite ($660/year)

Pro ($330/year)

Stock (Free)


  Guaranteed on 1st page within 15 miles

  Displays ahead of other listing types within a set service radius

  Displays under multiple service categories

  Includes View & Call Reporting

  Eligible to earn PlanRV Preferred (Fleet Rating)

  Eligible to run promotions

  Guaranteed on 1st page within 15 miles

  Displays below Elite listings but ahead of other listing types within a set service radius

  Displays under multiple service categories

  Includes View & Call Reporting

  Eligible to earn PlanRV Preferred (Fleet Rating)

  Eligible to run promotions

  Displays name, address, and local phone numbers

  Displays below all other listing types within a set service radius

  Displays under one service category

  Includes Potential View & Call Reporting (what if numbers)

  Not Eligible to earn PlanRV Preferred (Fleet Rating)

  Not Eligible to run promotions