On a monthly basis, we provide total view counts and estimated calls counts for each of your Elite listings. Typically, estimated call counts are used to measure results.
The number of calls you can expect each month from an Elite listing varies with the volume of RV traffic near your listing. If you have limited competition in your area you may not need an Elite listing type. Your PlanRV representative can provide you feedback on the level of competition in your market area and suggest a listing type based on the overall activity in the area as it relates to the services you provide.
We can report on how many calls your listing generated, but only you can decide the value of a call. Advertising has to make you more money then you are spending. Assessing the return on investment (ROI) of an Elite listing is a matter of multiplying the number of calls by the average per call value you assign. If that amount is greater than $660/year, then you win!