Stock Listings

A Free Stock PlanRV Listing Includes:

  • A listing with your business name and address under one service category.
  • Display of your local phone number and fax number.
  • A "detailed" view of your business that lists all of the services you offer.
  • Your business is shown using a PlanRV Stock template.
  • Your Stock listing details are also sent to GarminĀ® for inclusion on their RV Specific GPS devices as Points-Of-Interest.

When to choose this listing type

  • You want to try and learn about PlanRV services
  • You do not want to incurr any costs

How results are measured

On a monthly basis, we provide you with the potential views and calls that your listing would have received if it was upgraded to a Pro or Elite listing.

If your potential views and calls are greater than your actual views and calls, then you may consider upgrading your listing to a Pro or Elite listing to maximize your returns.